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Successes & Achievements

We are very proud of our school and the people within it. We celebrated good behaviour and achievements, however big or small, to reinforce the message that doing your best reaps rewards.


  Celebrating Our Success              Showcasing Our Talent                    Developing Aspirations

We are ambitious with our desire to achieve excellence for all at our school. Active involvement leads children to become independent and creative, so high standards are achieved.

Children’s progress is carefully monitored to make sure that they are given extra support when necessary and a higher level of challenge when appropriate. Parents are kept well informed through parents’ evenings and annual reports. We also ensure that regular personalised information leaflets keep you up to date with your child’s progress. Parents are also welcome to have an informal chat with the class teacher at the end of the school day.

We believe in enriching and supporting learning through first-hand experiences. Educational visits and visitors to the school focus on and underline the children’s understanding of the work we cover.