Eco Award
Eco School
Many of us are concerned about eco issues such as plastic pollution, loss of biodiversity and climate change.
St.Peters Eco School Council is working towards gaining a ‘Green Flag’ award for its eco work as part of the organisation ‘Eco Schools’.
Their website link is:
The children are undertaking seven ‘steps’ in order to gain the award.
Step 1 Eco-Committee
Step 2 Environmental Review
We undertook a comprehensive review of ten topic areas in order to find what our school is already doing well and what we can improve on.
Step 3 Action Plan
The children chose three topics to focus on this year. Their Action Plan is displayed on our eco board in school. Their three topics are
Marine: we are collecting soft-plastic waste at lunchtimes to reduce plastic going to landfill. We are going to have a very special eco -arts time which will involve learning from a charitable organisation and sending messages through art, music and drama.
Waste: Eco School Council taught classes about composting and class monitors ensure we are composting our fruit and vegetable waste from lunchboxes and at playtimes. We have recycle bins in classrooms. We are litter-picking at lunchtimes. We hope to have a book swap!
Energy: we are trying to reduce the amount of energy we use. We have signs on light switches which children are allowed to switch off. We have class energy monitors who check that lights and screens are switched off. We even ‘spot check’ areas around school. We want to try having a ‘zero energy’ day and learn about renewable energy.
When outside is bright – turn out the light!
No one in sight - turn out the light!
Step 4 Curriculum Links
Eco School Council will need to show that eco issues are taught through a range of subjects and year groups in school.
Step 5 Involving and Informing
Eco School Council needs to make sure the whole school and wider community are engaged with their actions. They share news on our website, newsletters and write letters!
Step 6 Monitoring and Evaluation
The children will assess what has worked well and what needs adapting for future eco work.
Step 7 Eco-Code
The Eco-Council will help to engage the whole school in creating a promise to protect the planet
Please feel free to contact Eco School Council with your eco ideas or how you have been inspired to be more eco!
Thank you for all your support.