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Science Blog

Regular updates about science at St Peter's.

January 2020

  • 21/01/20

    Local engineer visits science club

    James Bolton from Summit Aviation visited science club this week to talk about engineering and to help launch the 'If you were an engineer what would you do' project.
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  • 20/01/20

    Scribble bots

    In science club this week, we made scribble bots. They are are great fun to make and provide lots of investigative opportunities. This simple version uses a small motor and pens fixed around a pot. The motor makes the arm spin, which in turn makes the scribble bot move draw...
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  • 20/01/20

    How do bath bombs work?

    In science club this week, we looked at how bath bombs work and tried to make our own.
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  • 20/01/20

    Science at playtime

    All children get the opportunity to carry out science activities at playtime. 
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  • 20/01/20

    Who done it?

    In science club this week, we looked at finger prints. We then tried to find out who spilt a drink on Mr Hunter-Whitehouse's laptop. We dusted the glass and then used finger prints taken from the suspects to work out who committed the crime.
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  • 20/01/20

    Making Playdough

    In science club this week, we looked at the properties of corn flour and shaving foam and investigated what happened when they were mixed.
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