Behaviour: Positive Engagement
'Our approach is based on our Christian value of Love'
At St Peter's we believe that positive relationships are the foundation for successful learning and personal growth. We show our children that we care about them as individuals by taking the time to get to know them and celebrating their successes. By demonstrating love and care, we create a positive and supportive environment for our pupils to thrive. We use positive reinforcement to help create a culture of success and achievement. We clearly and consistently communicate our expectations to the children.
The 3R's
We promote and follow the 3 R's and these are our school and class expectations for all children.
If a child is finding it difficult to demonstrate the 3R's then we will support them to develop the skills they need to manage in their classroom environment. We have a 3-step approach which is used consistently across the school (including lunchtime and clubs) and includes some time apart from their class to reflect and refocus. As part of our close working relationship with parents, we will communicate any approaches we use to enable a true partnership between home and school.
We are continuously recognising good behaviour by celebrating with the children and the rest of the class. Our 'Star of the Week' is an opportunity for children to be publicly recognised for their positive behaviour and/or learning.
At St Peter's we promote equality and positive relationships for all. We teach a strong PSHE (Personal, Social, Heath & Economic Education) program called 'Heartsmart' which supports our children to develop healthy relationships, grow as an individual and develop socially. We do not tolerate any forms of bullying behaviour and always investigate any problems (including online). We are proud of our children at St Peter's and want to help them grow and develop in a culture of Love.