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Our Maths Curriculum at St.Peter’s is based on a mastery approach, as we feel that this best enables our children to understand the concepts of maths and to apply these to real life situations so that they grow into financially skilled and independent adults. Instead of learning mathematical procedures by rote, we want pupils to build a deeper understanding of concepts, which will enable them to apply their learning in different situations.

Our Intent

For our members of staff:

  • To promote enjoyment and enthusiasm for mathematical learning through practical activity, exploration and discussion.
  • To ask relevant questions to promote mathematical discussion.

For our children:

  • To gain mastery and fluency with numbers and the number system.
  • To be able to talk confidently using subject specific vocabulary and engage in conversations about maths where they are able to explain their thinking.
  • To understand the importance of mathematics in everyday life and for their futures.
  • To develop the ability to solve problems through decision-making and reasoning in a range of contexts.


For our school:

  • To be an outward looking school, which supports and shares good practice with other schools, as well as keeping up to date with recent research and ideas, including involvement with Kent and Medway Maths Hub.


There are three key principles at the heart of our curriculum: deep understanding, mathematical thinking and mathematical language, with problem solving at the centre of it all. We believe that it is important for children to be to talk confidently, using relevant vocabulary, about their maths and explain their thinking. Likewise, a crucial part of a 'deep understanding' in maths is being able to represent ideas in many different ways, through using resources and being able to represent a concept/problem pictorially.

In order for our children to become confident mathematicians, they are given opportunities to explore, recognise patterns, hypothesise and be empowered to let problem solving take them on new and unfamiliar journey.

We use ‘Mathematics Mastery’ as a way of ensuring our teachers are supported in planning and the children have a consistent approach to teaching and learning within maths. We feel it is important for children to work on their understanding of number, place value and calculation at the beginning of each year group, as this helps to make connections between later concepts, as reflected in our curriculum maps for each year group.


For our children to demonstrate their mathematical mastery in lessons, in everyday life and in their end of key stage assessment.