Christian Values
We are a Church of England School and we work together to provide a secure and challenging academic environment, rooted in Christian beliefs in which every child is respected and valued.
At St Peters we believe that all our Christian values stem from Love. The Love that God has for us, that we have for God and that we show each other.
The Government has asked that all schools, in helping prepare children for life in modern Britain, should teach the five British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
Our recent Ofsted commented that ‘the school’s deeply held Christian values are closely aligned to British values. These include putting the needs of others first, tolerance, fairness and justice…pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain.’ Ofsted 2015
At St Peter's every child is important and is enabled to flourish and encouraged to reach their full potential.