St Peter's Remembers
Remembrance Day for children at St Peter’s CE Primary was marked with respect and quiet reflection.
Head Teacher Tim Whitehouse said: “The whole staff and I are so proud of the way all of our boys and girls from the youngest to the most senior behaved impeccably as we all observed the two minute silence to mark Armistice Day.”
Pupils were invited to wear their service uniforms into school for the day. The smart turn out included members of local Rainbows, Brownies, Beavers, Brownies, Scouts and Guides.
Young poppy sellers did a great job selling the distinctive red badges, poppy wristbands and poppy slap bands, which were a big favourite that required extra stock to keep up with demand.
Year 3 art
Monies raised filled more than two and a half large collection boxes for the Royal British Legion charity.
All classes did lessons at age appropriate level to understand what Remembrance Day is all about, while the Friday art club activity was based on a poppy theme as part of the day’s reflection too.
Poignant artwork by pupil Esme.
Mr Whitehouse added: “Remembrance is an important part of our social history and heritage, and it is right and proper that our children learn about it and share in the commemoration of those who fought for their country and for those still engaged in conflicts around the world.
“St Peter’s response of respect and dignity was a fitting tribute in our own small way to those who gave so much and for those who are still engaged in active service.”