The New Tipi at St. Peter's!
This week, the St. Peter's Student Council officially entered our new Reading Tipi, which was bought from the fundraising efforts of the council and the PTFA.
Thank you to all for your efforts to purchase this, and to Mr Bowman and the PTFA team who helped to put the Tipi up!
This will be used in many ways, a creative classroom for all pupils, relaxing reading space, and Ms Websper already has ideas for drama and dance!
We will keep you posted on how we use the tipi. In the meantime, we need a name for our new space. Slips will be coming home next Monday and we would like to encourage children to enter our competition to name the tent! Children can send in their completed slip, along with a donation of £1 to enter. This £1 will contribute to the decoration of the tent with cosy cushions and bean bags!
We will announce the winner following the deadline of Friday 15th June.